Award Liebster 1st My



And Good morning! Now it is 5:02am as I am writing this & I should be all cuddle in my bed asleep & alone….(I just sent my husband off to work at this insanely early hour)But instead I wanted to start on the post.

I received the Liebster Award!! πŸŽ‰πŸŽŠπŸ† Yay!!!! So I want to ThankΒ A Mother Of All TradesΒ for nominating me for this award. 😊 I am truly filled with happiness. I even felt so happy to use your Liebster Award image but I made one little change. πŸ™‚

Now if you have never heard of this award(like myself) Here are the rules. (Someone even made a picture so I don’t have to copy or paste it all down!!! :D)



So I guess now I should answer these questions. πŸ˜€

1. Why did you start blogging? I started blogging to start something new with my life. Something that is fun for me, other than watching a “mommy only” tv show or movie.

2. If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be? My lack of motivation daily. Some days I am a good mom who gets the stuff done that I need to. Other days I do nothing but watch the kids & the tv.

3.What is your dream vacation spot? Ooh this is a hard one. Somewhere fun & far away from Michigan. πŸ˜€ I’m thinking Paris! The art, the sights, & the beauty of it all!

4. Past or present, who is someone famous you want to meet and why? Jimmy Fallon he would be a hoot to meet. He is just so funny & looks like he would be fun guy to hang out with. We could do a Lip Sync Battle…yes yes it would be some good times good times. 😊

5. What is your biggest fear about raising children? That I fail them. ;(

6. If you didn’t have children, what do you imagine you would be doing at this point in your life? If I did want I planned on doing before I met my husband. I would hope I had finished college, studied abroad, & became an High School English Teacher.

7. What would your dream job be, and why? Become kids, my dream job would be an High School English Teacher. Well it still is because I would love to teach, help, & mold teenagers to be young adults. But now I’m also thinking about being a event planner. Planning parties & events just sound wonderful & fun!!

8. Do you have a comfort food, and what is it? I really don’t have one. Anything sweet; chocolate, fruit, ice cream…..That’s it!!!! Cherry Garcia ice cream!!!! I love that stuff. Heck I hate to admit this but when I was younger I would eat a whole pint of that stuff by myself within hours. 😬 True story.

9. What do you do to unwind after a long day/week? I lay down & cuddle next to my husband as we watch tv & talk about our day together.

10. What do you love about yourself? That’s a hard question…..I wonder if anyone is actually still reading this….Banana, Banana, Banana, Banana, Hot Fudge, pineapple, fruit cake….ok now that all of that is out of my system….πŸ˜πŸ˜†πŸ˜‹. I just love how random I can be sometimes. Making other people & myself laugh & smile is what I love to do. 😊

Well there you go! 10 things about me. Β Those were some great questions that I had to really think about.

Now to think of 10 questions for others to answer:

  1. Why do you blog?
  2. What is your favorite childhood memory?
  3. Where would you want to live? (It could be anywhere)
  4. What is your favorite pastime?
  5. What part of your life do you love the most?
  6. What did you want to be when you grew up?
  7. What is your favorite animal & why?
  8. Who would you want to spend the day with (dead or alive)? & what would you do?
  9. What food could you live off of for a whole year?
  10. What is your favorite thing about yourself?

There you go! Now to find 10 fellow bloggers who I feel deserve this award.

  1. Fabulous Fit Mamas
  2. From Step Mom to Real Mom
  3. Dad Stayed Home
  4. Mumblety Muse
  5. Amy Morris-Jones
  6. Writers Block
  7. Little Nanny Things
  8. Some Special People
  9. Living Your Best Life Now
  10. Rrrepeat

And there I am done!! That took forever! πŸ™‚ Well it did. πŸ™‚

Again thank you for this fun award!

Until Next Time…Yay me!!!! πŸ˜€

14 thoughts on “Award Liebster 1st My

    1. Thank you! Oh you made that!?!?!? How awesome!!! Yea, what a great idea, I just cropped it & added a textured though one of my photo apps. It’s gives it a more ME flare. πŸ™‚ Thanks for the read! I hope you enjoy your day!

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